disrupting implicit bias
Gain a deeper understanding of the cognitive factors that influence our biases, learn about how bias manifests throughout society, and learn strategies for disrupting bias.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and BELONGING
Learn the fundamentals of DEI and belonging, how equality differs from equity, and about systemic inequity and discrimination. This session introduces participants to strategies for fostering inclusivity in the workplace and the critical importance of belonging.
dialoguing across difference
Learn tools for finding common ground with others, inclusive terminology, how to speak up against bias, how everyday language can cause unintentional harm, and how to engage in "difficult to discuss" topics.
allyship and anti-racism
Move allyship and anti-racism from ideas to action. Learn strategies for maximizing your impact as an ally, how to adopt an anti-racist mindset, and learn how to leverage your social and cultural capital to create truly equitable environments.
cross cultural lawyering
Identify strategies and best practices for culturally sensible lawyering, increase awareness of how cultural biases impact lawyer-client interaction, and learn strategies to enhance cross-cultural lawyering skills.
trauma informed approach
A trauma-informed approach involves understanding the physical, social, and emotional impact of trauma on individuals as well as on the professionals with whom they engage. Learn how to utilize a trauma-informed approach in your professional work.
What is the Elimination of Bias requirement?
California requires attorneys to complete at least one hour of education in each three-year cycle that deals with recognizing and eliminating bias in the legal profession and in society. Do you need to fulfill this requirement? Register for our California Bar approved bias training. A certificate of attendance will be provided to each attendee.

Recognition and elimination of bias in the legal profession and society
Winter course dates launching in December!
MCLE credit: 1
Fee: $50